Bureau Veritas Certification Brazil (‘Bureau Veritas’) was engaged by Suzano S.A. (‘Suzano’) to conduct an independent assurance of its Annual Report for the year 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Report).

This assessment was conducted by a multidisciplinary staff with expertise in non-financial data.


The scope of this verification encompassed:

  1. The Standards of the Global Reporting InitiativeTMGRI for Sustainability Reports, for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2020;
  2. The Verification of Long-Term Goals, regarding the correct parameter settings of the associated indicators and analysis regarding the accuracy of the data obtained;
  3. Verification of the 2018 and 2019 Long-Term Goal data of (1) lifting 200 thousand people over the poverty threshold and (2) the data obtained in 2019 of the participation (percentage) of women in leadership positions within the company, related to the Diversity & Inclusion Long-Term Goal.


The collection, calculation and presentation of the data published in the report are Suzano’s management sole responsibility. Bureau Veritas is responsible for providing an independent opinion to the Stakeholders, pursuant to the scope of work defined in this declaration.


The Assurance covered the following activities:

  1. Interviews with the personnel responsible for material issues and involved in the Report content;
  2. Remote interviews on corporate processes (Central Administration office located in São Paulo – SP) and processes regarding the following operational sites: ; Mucuri – BA; Suzano – SP and Três Lagoas – MS;
  3. Review of documentary evidence provided by Suzano in relation to the reporting period (2020);
  4.  Evaluation of the systems used for data compilation;
  5. Analysis of Suzano’s stakeholder engagement activities;
  6. Evaluation of the method used to define material topics included in the Report, taking into account the sustainability context and the scope of the information published.

The level of verification adopted was Limited, according to the requirements of the ISAE 3000 Standard, which were incorporated to the internal assessment protocols of Bureau Veritas, except for the data verification of the poverty threshold Goal and data on Diversity & Inclusion, both mentioned in item 3 of the Scope of Work. For this assessment we use the Limited Scope, which brings certain restrictions regarding the accuracy of the data.


Excluded from the scope of this work was any assessment of information related to:

  • Activities outside the defined assessment period;
  • Statements of position (expressions of opinion, beliefs, goals, or future intentions) on the part of Suzano;
  • Economic and financial accuracy of information contained in this Report which has been taken from financial statements verified by independent financial auditors.

The following limitations apply for this assurance engagement:

  • The Accuracy and Reliability of data were assessed on sampling basis, related to material aspects published within the Report;
  • The specific data and indicators of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and Sustainability Accouting Standards Board (SASB) were not subject to our verification, except when these data and indicators were common to those of the GRI;
  • Economic and financial data presented within the report were assessed against the GRI reporting principle of Balance and Completeness;
  • Suzano’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory was verified by us in a distinct process in accordance with the criteria of ISO 14.064-1 / 07 and GHG Protocol. A Verification statement was issued exclusively regarding the verification of the GHG inventory.


  • Suzano’s Report consists of a complete edition and an Indicators Center, both available on the company’s website. The scope of our verification covered the 2020 data and indicators on the material topics presented in these publications, with the exception of the specific indicators of TCFD and SASB;
  • The Report is based on 10 material topics defined in a materiality assessment carried out in 2019. In our understanding, the topics remain reflecting the impacts of Suzano’s activities in a balanced way;
  • During our Verification we found that Suzano’s Long-Term Goals were structured in an objective and challenging way;
  • We verified the results obtained in 2018 and 2019 in relation to the Goal of lifting 200 thousand people over the poverty threshold by 2030. We found a reliable system for obtaining the income data of the participants of projects regarding income generation, supported by Suzano. However, we noted that the company is still looking for a consolidated procedure for monitoring the poverty threshold target, with data analysis capacity compatible with the target scale;
  • We verified the results obtained in 2019 linked to the Diversity and Inclusion target, specifically related to the increase in the participation (percentage) of women in leadership positions within the company. We found a robust calculation system with accurate data;
  • Suzano systematized the processes for collecting and consolidating performance data for social projects supported by the company, adherent to a recommendation from the previous Verification cycle;
  • The Indicators Center presents detailed information of the main operational impacts of Suzano’s activities (GRI indicator 413-2), on surrounding communities, using data available in the SISPART system. These social impact performance data meets a recommendation from Bureau Veritas from the previous Verification cycle;
  • Regarding the GRI 403-7 Indicator (Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships), we evidenced that Suzano presents the health and safety actions and tools used in the company’s processes and not those related to the products and services;
  • Related to the proportion of spending on local suppliers (GRI 204-1 indicator), although we have seen progress in internal procurement practices, we noted that Suzano is still looking for effective procedures to improve its performance in this field;
  • Regarding the material topic “Forest Management”, we noted progress in the definition of biodiversity strategies and a promise to establish, in 2021, a long-term commitment to biodiversity conservation;
  • We evidenced appropriate actions in relation to the recommendations issued in our previous Verification Statement. In the actual Statement we launch new challenges for the company;
  • It is our understanding that sufficient indicators have been reported, to achieve the Core option of the GRI Standard for Sustainability Reports.


  • Define strategic actions to increase the proportion of spending on local suppliers, in accordance with GRI indicator 204-1;
  • Obtain data and information on Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships (related to products and services);
  • Regarding the Goal of lifting 200 thousand people over the poverty threshold: Implement a consolidated procedure for monitoring the poverty threshold target, with data analysis capacity compatible with the target scale.


As a result of our assurance we concluded that:

  • The information presented in the Report is balanced, consistent and reliable;
  • Suzano established appropriate systems for the collection, aggregation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data used in the Report;
  • The Report adheres to the Principles for defining report content and quality of the GRI Standards and meet its Core level;
  • The Long-Term Goals were established in a structured and challenging way.


Bureau Veritas Certification is an independent professional services firm specializing in Quality, Health, Safety, Socialand Environmental Management, with more than 185 years’ experience in independent assessment.

Bureau Veritas has a quality management system that is certified by a third party, according to which policies and documented procedures are maintained for the compliance with ethic, professional and legal requirements.

The assessment team has no links with Suzano and the assessment is performed independently.

Bureau Veritas implemented and follows a Code of Ethics throughout its business, in order to assure that its staff preserve high ethical, integrity, objectivity, confidentiality and competence/ professional attitude standards in the performance of their activities. At the end of the assessment, a detailed report was drawn up, ensuring traceability of the process. This Report is kept as a Bureau Veritas management system record.

or by telephone (55 11) 2655-9000.
São Paulo, Brazil, April 2021.

Alexander Vervuurt
Lead Auditor; Assurance Sustainability Reports (ASR)
Bureau Veritas Certification – Brazil